
I really feel whole again, knowing that I will have my husband's gift to me being returned by the original design artist. I'm sure I will cry harder when it arrives, to replace the tears of when I had to accept that it was lost and not returned. I truly, also hoped that whoever ended up with it, it gave them the joy it gave me.
~D. Henry, Michigan

I can't thank you enough for the wonderful cuff bracelet for my daughter!  I have just stared at it and am overwhelmed with emotion each time I look at it!  My daughter is so special to me and to others and this is just perfect!
~K.M., Indiana

I just wanted to thank you for sending the bracelet to me as fast as you did. I know it must have taken extra work for you and I just wanted you to know how much I appreciated it. The bracelet is absolutely perfect. I will be telling anyone and everyone I know to go to you for gifts of this sort! Thank you from the bottom of my heart, my mother is going to love it.
~J. Thomson